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koncovka G 44cm . . . . . 600 SEK / 60€
koncovka D 58cm . . . . . 850 SEK / 85 €
koncovka C 65cm . . . . . 1000 SEK / 100 €

They come and go so please check with me for what I have available at the moment.

There is always some;)

koncovka A 77cm . . . . . 1200 SEK / 120 €

Prices may vary with some extraodinarily shaped pieces of wood.

Added gemstone is is 200 SEK / 20 € extra.

how to play overtone flute

How to play Overtone/harmonic flutes


Overtone flute-KONCOVKA


Basic introduction

Overtone flute is one of the oldest sorts of flute still having its place in many different folk and tribal cultures across the globe the Amazon forest included.

Koncovka particularly is an traditional Slovakian folk instruments. It is a very basic flute with no holes easy for anyone to learn because of its simplicity and the beauty of the natural harmonics scale. By opening and closing the end-hole and varying the amount and strength of air blown through it, the archaic and other-worldly overtone scale is easily produced.

They come in different sizes where each would have its own characteristics.


How to play 

  • Hold the flute with the labium (that's the little window/opening where the sound is created) towards your body

  • Cover the air hole with your lips in such way so all the air goes inside the flute

  • Blow in like you would be saying: ts-ts-ts or the-the-the. (Try both short and long blows, with just a very little air coming in and a lot-like if whispering or shouting)

  • Use your pointing finger or palm to cover and uncover the bottom hole of the flute while playing to change the tone (You can also open it just half way etc.)


There is so many different ways you can play with this instrument. Changing the dynamics, be rhythmical or flowing, with short and sharp tones/blows or long continuous ones, adding voice, modulating the sound by sliding lower lip into the labium of the flute.. Just play, explore!


Overtone flute FUJARA


Basic introduction

The Fujara is most deservedly called the "Queen of Harmonic Flutes". 

Originating in the heart of Slovakia, it reflects, like no other musical instrument, the ancient shepherds' culture and the songs of this region. On the wide areas and lonely alpine pastures the shepherds once played for themselves and the livestock, called the herd together with the flute and communicated with other shepherds over long distances in the mountains. 


Today the Fujara is moved well beyond its traditional folk use and could be found all around the world being integrated into many modern pieces of music.

In 2005, its traditional music and the instrument itself were included in UNESCO's list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. 


With length starting at 150 cm, up to four octaves reach and an incredible overtone spectra fujara offers an absolutely imposing, chills-giving sound.


How to play 

Playing ovetoneflute
Playing ovetoneflute
Playing ovetoneflute
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